DAY 82: How Do I Shop For Paleo Meat?

I found this clip on Bob’s Blog when researching how to Grocery Shop for Paleo Meat. Bob writes about where to buy grass-fed, pasture raised, and wild caught meats. However I got a lot of value from reading the article How to choose great Meat from your butcher by How to choose great meat from yourContinue reading “DAY 82: How Do I Shop For Paleo Meat?”

DAY 83: Week Two of The 90 Day Paleo Challenge

So, it’s Monday again, and it’s week 2 of the 90 Day Paleo Challenge! It’s the day after my ‘guilt free, anything goes, Paleo free day’ and I feel like crap. It feels like I have to start all over again… but before I spiral down into negative thoughts and fall off the wagon. I thoughtContinue reading “DAY 83: Week Two of The 90 Day Paleo Challenge”

DAY 84: Planning Paleo Free Days

Once a week, I am allowing myself to have a Paleo Free Day. On this day, I am allowed to eat absolutely anything I want completely guilt free. I take this concept/idea from Tim Ferris’s best-selling book The 4 hour Body and I call it the:  ”Guilt Free, Anything Goes, Paleo Free Day” However rule #3 of 90Continue reading “DAY 84: Planning Paleo Free Days”